Today is Sposed to be Opening Day. Sniff.

WE SHOULD BE AT COORS FIELD TODAY But we're NOT an I'm BUMMED but I'm still wearing my Rockies gear JUST IN CASE THEY CHANGE THEIR MINDS about not doing the Home Opener today. Sniff.

YES, YOU SHOULD WEAR SOME SORT OF MASK That is the expected guidance for people in "hardest hit" areas but WHY DON'T WE ALL DO IT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS??? Read this and expect an official announcement later today.

THE GOVERNOR SPEAKS AT 1:30ISH And it will interrupt the show again, and I need you to pay attention please and thank you!

JENNY CAVNAR IS READY FOR BASEBALL TOO And she's on today at 12:30 to talk about the Stay At Home Opener the Rockies and ATT Network are putting together for Food Banks of the Rockies. Please consider donating what you can, the food banks are going to be needed for a LOT of people and the Rockies are matching up to $300,000 but wouldn't it be great if we could blow through that number? Join in by clicking here at 2!

ED NICHOLS OF JOSHUA HOUSE IS ON TODAY And I was very excited to be emceeing their big party which has been temporarily cancelled by this stupid virus. But I had a chance to visit Joshua School and it is nothing short of a marvel. Joshua School serves students who aren't quite suited for a traditional classroom environment because of autism or developmental issues. Joshua School provides these kids and young adults a level of one-on-one therapy that truly changes the trajectory of their lives and it's amazing to see it in action. Ed joins me at 1 and you can find out more and even donate to Joshua School by clicking here. Watch this video to get a taste of what they do.

MIKE ROSEN AT THE MOVIES TODAY AT 2! Usually Mike is on Saturday mornings but we've been doing more local talk shows so we've invited Mike on today to talk movies!

I NEEDED THIS LAUGH THIS MORNING And Molly Sims is my new hero just for the look on her face.

COVID 19 HAS SHOWN WE ARE A SLAVE TO COMFORT And if you're in the mood for some deep thinking, this article will get your brain going. I can't even describe what it's about other than to say it is a call to humbleness and realization that we are not in control of everything in our lives, nor should we ever think we could be.

A FIRST DATE ENDED WITH CORONAVIRUS AND NOW THIS COUPLE IS QUARANTINING TOGETHER And I'm not sure this is a good thing, but it sure makes a good story about how they met. And don't hate, they met before Covid was really ramped up here.

VISIT THE SYMPHONY TONIGHT FROM HOME! They are doing some virtual concerts and tonight is Beethoven so I know what Dave is going to be doing tonight. Find the website and watch here tonight at 7!

Y'ALL, STOP CALLING THE COPS FOR DUMB CRAP LIKE THIS No, you do NOT need to call the cops to report a coughing neighbor, or that you're out of toilet paper. And yes, those are actually happening. Good grief people are stupid and helpless. If we get invaded we are finished.

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DOCTOR WHO TRIED TO SOUND THE ALARM ABOUT COVID 19? 60 Minutes Australia did a story on it. You really should watch it. Just be warned that this is a Trump attack in the second part.

3M IS IN THE MIDDLE OF IT NOW You may have seen this report that 3M is selling masks overseas rather than selling them here. Trump invoked the Defense Production Act to force them to sell them at home before they sell them overseas. The CEO of 3M was on CNBC. I wanted to think he was full of crap but he makes sense. The notion of export restrictions is real. But you can make your own decisions, but he's not the devil I thought he was yesterday.

DEAR HOLY FATHER, IT'S BEEN SIX MILES SINCE MY LAST CONFESSION Catholics take heart, many churches are now offering drive up confessions for those lost souls among us who need absolution. It's just one way churches are serving their congregations.

HOW IS BEER NOT ESSENTIAL??? And I am shocked to announce that the company who makes Corona, Modelo and some other brands of beer has announced their factories are shut for the time being. THIS IS MADNESS.



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